Taryn Bredeveldt
Senior Talent Manager
Quick-fire questions with Taryn
What's a technology that gives you the most joy to use?
Facetime – it gives me the ability to keep in touch with my family who moved to the Mount and family spread out across the world. If you haven’t guessed it, family is important to me and this gives me the ability to connect and still be a part of special moments/events.
If you could share a meal with anyone in history. Who would it be and why?
Pharell - need I say more? I have been a fan girl since I was 13. Some would say obsessed, I would say passionate. The mans also my fashion icon, alongside being absolutely beautiful.
What's an industry you would love to learn more about?
I LOVE anything criminology related. I find it fascinating and I am always listening to a true crime podcast
It’s a sunny day, you have no plans for the next 12 hours... Where do you go and what
do you do?
Waiheke Island - you’ll catch me floating between the vines or frolicking in the ocean.
What do you think is the most important skill for interviewing?
Being your true self! I can tell you can do the job on paper, but the essence of you is what I am interested in.