Ryan Bevens
Delivery Lead - Testing Practice
Quick-fire questions with Ryan
What's a technology that gives you the most joy to use?
As a gamer, Steam is one of my favourite techs to play with.
If you could share a meal with anyone in history. Who would it be and why?
I'd love to have a chat with Socrates, assuming we could speak the same language. He had a fascinating mind and came up with a lot of the modern processes for thought. I'd love to talk with him about the strengths and limitations of those thoughts.
What's an industry you would love to learn more about?
I love learning about new and interesting solutions to environmental problems. The things people come up with are often quite novel. I love that sort of thing.
It’s a sunny day, you have no plans for the next 12 hours... Where do you go and what
do you do?
Usually, I would spend most of it with a good book, preferably in a chair on the beach.
What do you think is the most important skill for interviewing?
Realising that the person across from you isn't scary. They are just a person trying to connect with another person to see if you can help them with their needs.