Julian Lambert
Director of Customer
Quick-fire questions with Julian
What's a technology that gives you the most joy to use?
My Apple ecosystem and apps. I know I'm a total Applatti, but everything just works.
If you could share a meal with anyone in history. Who would it be and why?
I'm not religious, but Jesus. So much has been made of this man, I'd like to see what he was like. I don't speak Latin though...
What's an industry you would love to learn more about?
I'd like to continue to go deeper in tech. It's so wide-ranging in its effects and the future is very bright.
It’s a sunny day, you have no plans for the next 12 hours... Where do you go and what
do you do?
Preferably Coromandel peninsula, but likely I'd already be there! Invite a bunch of friends and family over for me to cook them pizza from scratch.
What do you think is the most important skill for interviewing?
Doing enough preparation and practice so that you feel as confident as you can be in the meeting. Thereby, you can bring your whole self to that meeting and enjoy making those new connections.