Felicity Rissetto
Senior Consultant
Quick-fire questions with Felicity
What's a technology that gives you the most joy to use?
TV on demand. Kids these days don't know the struggle of having to grab a snack and get back to your seat within the commercial break.
If you could share a meal with anyone in history. Who would it be and why?
Cleopatra - who doesn't want to learn the secrets of the Egyptians?
What's an industry you would love to learn more about?
Technology - the world of tech is ever changing so staying up to date with it.
It’s a sunny day, you have no plans for the next 12 hours... Where do you go and what
do you do?
Sunny and warm? Pack the fam and head to Pukawa for lake swims and pontoon bombs.
Sunny and cold? Head up Whakapapa for the day and shred some pow pow.
With no kids? Grab the GFs, hit a trail or a yoga class then a long lunch.
What do you think is the most important skill for interviewing?
Showing who you are as a person. Interests, hobbies etc. are great to understand and give great insight into someones tenacity, dedication, discipline etc.