Alison Kreft
Delivery lead
Quick-fire questions with Alison
What's a technology that gives you the most joy to use?
My miele cordless stick vacuum.
If you could share a meal with anyone in history. Who would it be and why?
My grandfather who passed away when I was 2. I don't remember him, but he was a very interesting person who I have heard many a story about. He was a mechanical engineer who owned his own factory in Upper Hutt, and travelled the world with my Nana.
What's an industry you would love to learn more about?
Architecture and design. Particularly how homes can be built or renovated with less of an environmental impact.
It’s a sunny day, you have no plans for the next 12 hours... Where do you go and what
do you do?
First, I'd do a walk up Mount Kaukau. Spend some time at the lookout, then run to the bottom and go on the flying fox. Following that, I'd get lunch at my favourite cafe (Common Ground, in Johnsonville - some of the best cheese scones around town!). I'd then browse in the library and choose several books to take home and read outside in the sun with some music on. I'd probably also mow the lawn, nothing like a manicured lawn.
What do you think is the most important skill for interviewing?
I think to be honest, first impressions count for a lot. I read somewhere that most hiring managers will know in the first 5 minutes if they are likely to make a hire. It's all about how you can capture your audience, listen to the questions being asked, be organised (show up on time, join a teams call without problems!!) and build rapport quickly.